


“All businesses (public and private, large, medium and small) assess and report on their dependencies and impacts on biodiversity, from local to global, and progressively reduce negative impacts, by at least half and increase positive impacts, reducing biodiversity-related risks to businesses and moving towards the full sustainability of extraction and production practices, sourcing and supply chains, and use and disposal.”


“[[Increase significantly the number or percentage of] [Take legal, administrative and policy measures to] [Ensure through mandatory requirements that [all]] businesses and financial institutions [, especially [large and economically significant businesses] [those with significant impacts on biodiversity,]] [assess, monitor, [disclose]][regular evaluations] and [transparently report] [and accept responsibility for their] on their dependencies and impacts on biodiversity, human rights [and the rights of mother earth] [across operations, value chains and portfolios,] reduce [and manage] negative impacts [by at least half], [ensuring ABS compliance and reporting,] and increase positive impacts[, ensuring legal responsibility and accountability, through regulation of their activities, imposing penalties for infractions, ensuring liability and redress for damage and addressing conflicts of interest] reducing biodiversity-related risks to businesses and financial institutions and supporting the circular economy, [moving towards [sustainable patterns of production and extraction] the full sustainability] [of extraction and production practices], sourcing, supply chains, use and [disposal], [providing information needed to consumers to enable public to make responsible consumption choices that are biodiversity positive] [following a rights-based approach] consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other relevant international obligations, together with Government regulation.]

Alt: [Encourage business and financial institutions to adopt [sustainable practices resulting on benefits to biodiversity] [biodiversity positive practice] and report on their dependencies and impacts on biodiversity.]”



行動目標15の議論は、上記のジュネーブ会合の結果そのものではなく、これを共同リードがまとめた文案を元に実施されました。論点としては、「義務化するかしないか(もしくはどこまでを義務化するか)」「対象を大企業に絞るか、中小企業も含めるか」「バリューチェーンかサプライチェーンか」「目標の数値(by half)を入れるか入れないか」などがありました。私が興味深かったのは、用語定義について共同リードがビジネスセクターの参加者に意見を求めるシーンが何度かあったことです。通常の議論では、用語については科学者が答えていますが、ビジネスについてはビジネスセクターが「専門家」として認識されているのかな、と思いました。




Take legal, administrative or policy measures to [ensure that all] [significantly increase the number or percentage of] business and financial institutions[, particularly those] [with significant impacts on biodiversity,] [and large and transnational companies] [, that]:
(a) [Through mandatory requirements] Regularly monitor, assess, and fully and transparently disclose their [dependencies and] impacts on biodiversity [along their operations, supply and value chains and portfolios];
(b) [Provide information needed to consumers to enable the public to make responsible consumption choices];
(c) [Comply and report on access and benefit-sharing;]
(d) [Take legal responsibility for infractions] [, including through penalties, and liability and redress for damage and addressing conflicts of interest;]
(e) [Follow a rights-based approach] [, including human rights and the rights of Mother Earth.]
In order to [significantly] reduce [by half] negative impacts on biodiversity, increase positive impacts, reduce biodiversity-related risks to business and financial institutions, and [moving towards sustainable patterns of production] [foster a circular economy] [, consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other international obligations, together with Government regulations.]


*生物多様性国家戦略を考えるフォーラム2022 2030<ネイチャーポジティブ>を目指して 「ポスト2020生物多様性枠組の議論から考えるビジネスにおける<ネイチャーポジティブ>」
