



“Take legal, administrative or policy measures to [ensure that all] [significantly increase the number or percentage of] business and financial institutions [, particularly those] [with significant impacts on biodiversity,] [and large and transnational companies] [, that]:
(a) [Through mandatory requirements] Regularly monitor, assess, and fully and transparently disclose their [dependencies and] impacts on biodiversity [along their operations, supply and value chains and portfolios];
(b) [Provide information needed to consumers to enable the public to make responsible consumption choices];
(c) [Comply and report on access and benefit-sharing;]
(d) [Take legal responsibility for infractions] [, including through penalties, and liability and redress for damage and addressing conflicts of interest;]
(e) [Follow a rights-based approach] [, including human rights and the rights of Mother Earth.]
In order to [significantly] reduce [by half] negative impacts on biodiversity, increase positive impacts, reduce biodiversity-related risks to business and financial institutions, and [moving towards sustainable patterns of production] [foster a circular economy] [, consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other international obligations, together with Government regulations.]” (171単語、1,122文字)



“Take legal, administrative or policy measures to [ensure that all] [significantly increase the number or percentage of] business and financial institutions [, particularly large and transnational companies and companies with significant impacts on biodiversity,] [that]:
(a) [Through mandatory requirements] Regularly monitor, assess, and fully and transparently disclose their [dependencies and] impacts on biodiversity [along their operations, supply and value chains and portfolios];
(b) [Provide information needed to consumers to enable the public to make responsible consumption choices];
(c) [Comply and report on access and benefit-sharing, as applicable;]
(d) [Take legal responsibility for infractions] [, including through penalties, and liability and redress for damage and addressing conflicts of interest;]
in order to [significantly] reduce [by half] negative impacts on biodiversity, increase positive impacts, reduce biodiversity-related risks to business and financial institutions, and [moving towards sustainable patterns of production] [foster a circular economy] [, consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other international obligations, together with Government regulations.]” (157単語、1,053文字)



“Take legal, administrative or policy measures to [encourage and enable] business and [ensure that] [significantly increase the number or percentage of] large [as well as][and] transnational companies and financial institutions [and companies with significant impacts on biodiversity,]:
(a) [Through mandatory requirements] Regularly monitor, assess, and fully and transparently disclose their [[financially material] risks, dependencies and] impacts on biodiversity [along their operations, supply and value chains and portfolios];
(b) [Provide information needed to consumers to enable the public to make responsible consumption choices];
(c) [Comply and report on access and benefit-sharing, as applicable;]
(d) [Take legal responsibility for infractions] [, including through penalties, and liability and redress for damage and addressing conflicts of interest;]
(e) [Follow a rights-based approach] [, including human rights and the rights of Mother Earth.]
in order to [significantly] reduce [by half] negative impacts on biodiversity, increase positive impacts, reduce biodiversity-related risks to business and financial institutions, and [moving towards sustainable patterns of production] [foster a circular economy] [, consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other international obligations, together with Government regulations.” (177単語、1,173文字)


行動目標15は12月13日にWG1のコンタクトグループで最初に議論されました。日本を含む複数の国が(a)に記載されている”mandatory”という単語を入れることに強い抵抗を示したことと、他の箇所に関してもブラケットを外すか否か、それとも削除するかについての議論がなかなか収束せず、議論は時間切れとなりました。12月15日のコンタクトグループで議論が再開され、”mandatory”に関しては、共同議長の力強い推進やオブザーバー(Business for Nature)の発言への会場参加者からの拍手喝采が功を奏したのか、日本から妥協案が示され他の国からの賛同も得られました。しかしながら、1つの国が「どうしても”mandatory”を削除したい」と譲らず、またも持ち越しになってしまいました。
